Our machine learning platform produces experiential and performance insights on providers across the healthcare ecosystem
At MD Insider, our world class team of data scientists, software engineers and healthcare experts have created a platform that objectively analyzes doctor performance.
This is important because doctor performance has a profound impact on the cost, quality of care and overall patient experience.
So how do we do this?First, we transform big, messy data.
MD Insider is continuously ingesting huge volumes of the latest performance data about physicians - billions of rows of data, from thousands of institutions and millions of doctor-patient interactions and medical events.

Then the real insight begins.
Our industry-leading machine learning platform continuously analyzes our growing data ocean, identifying key physician performance insights in areas of experience and quality. These unique insights are available as a complete dataset and are also fully integrated into a consumer-friendly physician search, match, and scheduling solution that better matches patients with the right doctors.

Elevate consumer and provider experience through data-driven provider search, match, and scheduling capabilities across enterprise access channels.

Exploring ways to make your provider search more dynamic and consumer-centric? Performing network curation and scenario modeling analysis? Searching for automated data and directory management tools? Learn more about our API solutions.

Our national provider search engine enables guided navigation to in-network providers, giving employees access to relevant information such as provider experience, quality and outcome metrics, location, education, and more…